
Kotor 2 dark side companions
Kotor 2 dark side companions

kotor 2 dark side companions

What the hell? It's because you used the console commands. Why would using console commands affect the game so? That doesn't make much sense to me though. The only possibility I can think of is that this happens because I used console commands with these two characters. It appears to shift every time I change areas, or sometimes when I'm talking to them. Regardless of how much influence I have with my allies, their alignments will shift back and forth between light side and dark side.

kotor 2 dark side companions

This has happened with two different characters so far. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.Anyways, I am experiencing an incredibly annoying bug with my allies alignments. The alignment happens when you use console commands to up your charisma too far. Old Post I know However since I've just come across this problem someone else might too. Question is: how to fix it? Showing 1 - 6 of 6 comments. I've full dark side and ALL my companions have full light side even HKwhen i'm getting light side points, they're getting dark side points. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

Kotor 2 dark side companions